Resistance training in your 50s

Beginning resistance or strength training in your forties or fifites can be confusing. Join a gym? Invest in weights? Get a PT? One of the cheapest, easiest ways to start strength training in your 50s is get hold of some exercise bands.
There’s a million out there and they come in all kinds of loads. As you can see from the pix you can make the exercise harder or easier by shortening or lengthening the band.
Any less-than-active 40 or 50 something is going to be experiencing muscle loss. No big deal? Maybe not, but if your day to day of getting about, climbing stairs and lifting things is getting tougher or you just don’t like the idea of getting weaker every year you CAN do something about it.
It’s so easy to get started…

Let’s talk about weights at home and bodyweight next time.

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